ESAM -Efficient and Sustainable Apparel Myanmar

Link to ESAM Facebook page

Link to ESAM Facebook page



ESAM is a collaboration between University of Southern Denmark and local consultants.

ESAM offers training to SMEs to improve efficiency and sustainability in Myanmar's apparel production.


The objectives of the project are:

  • Create a better understanding of the barriers and drivers behind efficient dissemination of integrated OHS knowledge

  • Identify and analyze what local actors consider as functional dissemination mechanisms for knowledge sharing in clusters

  • Translate these insights into practical capacity building among the labour market institutions.

In this way, the project seeks to contribute to sustained growth and increased productivity of SMEs in Myanmar simultaneously on improving work conditions, health, safety, and welfare of employees at small and medium-sized sewing factories in Myanmar.

Contact us if you want ESAM training in your factory!


The goal is achieved by

  • Conducting OHS interventions,

  • Translating the results into business cases

  • Creating dissemination events

  • Measuring dissemination effects