Grand challenges and supplier development in the Global South: why experiment with new (ethnographic) intervention research methods

Vang, J. and Clausen, H.B. (2025). The International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.


Exploring the Impact of University-Driven Supplier Development Interventions on Supplier Performance: A Case of the Garment Industry

Toufighi, S. P.; Vang, J.; Govindan, K.; Lin, M.; Bille, A. (2024). International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 73(11), pp. 355-384.

Participative leadership,cultural factors, and speaking-upbehaviour: An examination of intra-organisational knowledge sharing

Toufighi, S. P., Ghasemian Sahebi, I., Govindan, K., Lin, M. Z. N., Vang, J., & Brambini, A. (2024). Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 9(3), 100548.


Sustainability report 2021

Flemming Bridal Rasmussen og Amalie Nordtorp Nielsen,Vang, J.,Hansen, D.&Buhmann, K.,jun. 2022,51 s.


Complementarities between Operations and Occupational Health and Safety in Garments

Maalouf, M. M.,Hasle, P.,Vang, J.&Hamja, A.,apr. 2021,I:Sustainability.13,8,20 s., 4313.

Creating Legitimacy in the ISO/CEN Standard for Sustainable and Traceable Cocoa: An Exploratory Case Study Integrating Normative and Empirical Legitimacy

Kusnezowa, D.&Vang, J.,nov. 2021,I:Sustainability.13,22,21 s., 12907.

Designing Better Interventions: Insights from Research on Decent Work

Hasle, P.&Vang, J.,apr. 2021,I:Journal of Supply Chain Management.57,2,s. 58-70

Digital platforms

Cutolo, D.&Vang, J.,jan. 2021,World Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship .Dana, L-P. (red.).2. udg.Edward Elgar Publishing,s. 93-104

Individuals' Psychosocial Voice Barriers in Lean Problem-solving Teams

Latif, M.,Vang, J.&Sultana, R.,19. nov. 2021, (E-pub ahead of print)I:International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.17 s.

Innovation systems and entrepreneurship research

Vang, J.,Wiig, H.&Dana, L-P.,jan. 2021,World Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship.Dana, L-P. (red.).2. udg.Edward Elgar Publishing,s. 411–425

Interventions to Improve Occupational Safety and Health in the Garment Industry – Development of New Integrated Strategies

Hasle, P.&Vang, J.,2021,Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, IEA 2021 - Sector Based Ergonomics.Black, N. L., Neumann, W. P. & Noy, I. (red.).Springer,s. 467-474(Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Bind 221 LNNS).

Patients, participation and wicked problems in hospitals: A plea for embracing the networked governance approach

Vang, J.&Brambini, A.,2021,I:World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development.17,4,s. 431-452

The Market for social compliance audits in Bangladesh: On the edge of a paradigm shift?

Bidragets oversatte titel: Markedet for sociale audits i Bangladesh: På vej til et paradigme skifte?Ul Alam, AKM. M.,Öhler, W.,Bundgaard, J.,Faruquee, M.,Vang, J.&Hasle, P.,1. nov. 2021,Bangladesh University of Health Sciences.71 s.

Top management commitment and lean team members’ prosocial voice behaviour

Latif, M. A.&Vang, J.,19. nov. 2021,I:International Journal of Lean Six Sigma.12,6,s. 1289-1309

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Global Supplier Development: Insights from the global garment industry

Vang, J.,Maalouf, M. M.&Hasle, P.,2021, (Accepteret/In press)Current trends in global organization science.Akande, A. (red.).Nova Science Publishers


Sustaining lean in organizations through the management of tensions and paradoxes

Maalouf, M. M., Hasle, P., Brambini-Pedersen, J. V. & Hoque, I., 2019, Lean Manufacturing: Implementation, Opportunities and Challenges. Nova Science Publishers, s. 79-100


Building dynamic capabilities in large global advertising agency networks: managing the shift from mass communication to digital interactivity

Suheimat, W., Prætorius, T. & Brambini-Pedersen, J. V., 2018, I: International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy. 13, 1/2, s. 88-113 26 s.

Collective efficiency: A prerequisite for cluster development?

Lema, R.&Vang, J.,2018,I:World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development.14,3,s. 348-376

Emergence of film industries in small countries: On the needs for an integrated clusterand branding strategy

Brambini-Pedersen, J. V.,Maher, S.&Brambini, A.,2018,I:World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development.14,5,s. 637-656

MNEs and International Ambidexterity: An assessment of the importance of environmental factors

Brambini-Pedersen, J. V.&Argene, V.,2018,19th International CINet Conference.

Problem solving and intercultural dynamics in a PBL context: Challenges and solutions

Brambini-Pedersen, J. V.,Brambini, A.,Prætorius, T.,Chaudhuri, A.&Nielsen, A. P.,2018, Sustainable Production, Department of Materials and Production Aalborg University Copenhagen:Aalborg Universitet.24 s.

The Impact of Human Resource Management on Productivity and Occupational Health and Safety in Readymade Garments

Morshed, M. S.,Mohammad, A. L.,Maalouf, M. M.,Hasle, P.&Brambini-Pedersen, J. V.,2018,1st International Conference on Industrial and Mechanical Engineering and Operations Management, IMEOM 2017.Dhaka

Towards a networked governance approach in Danish hospitals? Analysing the role of patients in solving wicked problems

Brambini, A.&Brambini-Pedersen, J. V.,2018,I:World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development.14,3,s. 291-311


Developing countries SMEs innovation characteristics and performance: An econometrical assessment

Vang, J., Rezaei, S. & Baklanov, N., sep. 2013.

Entrepreneurs’ human and social capital: Direct and reinforcing benefits for their exporting

Vang, J.,Rezaei, S.,Schøtt, T.&Shayegheh Ashourizadeh, S.,okt. 2013

Innovation embedded in entrepreneurs’ networks in private and public spheres: A global study with a focus on China and Denmark

Vang, J., Rezaei, S., Schøtt, T. & Cheraghi, M., aug. 2013.

Policy Measures for Creating an Integrated and Brand-focused Innovation System for Film Industries in Shadow Nations: An Application to Australia's National Film Industry

Maher, S., Brambini, A. & Vang, J., 2013, I: International Journal of Business and Globalisation. 10, 2, s. 137-156 20 s

Policy measures for creating an integrated and brand-focused regional innovation system in tourism in a shadow destination: insights from Pisa's destination development strategy

Brambini, A. & Vang, J., 2013, I: International Journal of Business and Globalisation. 10, 2, s. 194-219

Pro-poor Development through Sustainable Tourism?

Andersson, V., Gyimóthy, S. & Brambini-Pedersen, J. V., 2013.

The state and creative clusters

Vang, J. & Jakobsen, H., 2013, I: International Journal of Business and Globalisation. 11, 3, s. 310-332

Unpacking the spatial organization of US Video Games Industry: Lessons for Research on Experience Industry Clusters

Vang, J. & Tschang, T., 2013, Handbook On The Experience Economy. Sundbo, J. & F. S. (red.). Edward Elgar Publishing


Den kreativa klassen och regional utveckling: Kunskapsbaser som analytisk ansats

Hansen, H., Vang, J. & Asheim, B., 1. okt. 2011, Kreativitet på plats. Aronsson, L. & Braunerhielm, L. (red.). Sverige: Karlstad University Press, s. 27-53

Designing innovation policies for development: Towards a systemic experimentation-based approach

Chaminade, C., Lundvall, B-Å., Vang, J. & Joseph, J. K., 30. aug. 2011, Handbook of innovation systems and developing countrie. Lundvall, B-Å., Joseph, K. J., Charminade, C. & Vang, J. (red.). Edward Elgar Publishing, s. 360-379

Epilogue: Which Way Now?

Lundvall, B-Å., Joseph, J. K., Chaminade, C. & Vang, J., 30. aug. 2011, Handbook of innovation systems and developing countries. Lundvall, B-Å., Joseph, K. J., Charminade, C. & Vang, J. (red.). Edward Elgar Publishing, s. 380-386

Handbook of innovation systems and developing countires: Building domestic capabilities in a global setting

Lundvall, B-Å. (red.), Joseph, K. J. (red.), Charminade, C. (red.) & Vang, J. (red.), 30. aug. 2011, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing. 416 s.

Innovation system research and developing countries

Lundvall, B-Å., Vang, J., Joseph, J. K. & Chaminade, C., 30. aug. 2011, Handbook of innovation systems and developing countries. Lundvall, B-Å., Joseph, K. J., Charminade, C. & Vang, J. (red.). Edward Elgar Publishing, s. 1-32

Regional Innovation Systems in Developing Countries: Integrating Micro and Meso-level Capabilities

Padilla-Pérez, R., Vang, J. & Chaminade, C., 30. aug. 2011, Handbook of innovation systems and developing countries. Lundvall, B-Å., Joseph, K. J., Charminade, C. & Vang, J. (red.). Edward Elgar Publishing, s. 140-182


Danske Indholdsproducenter - Film, tv og computerspil i tal, 2009

Madsen, K. K., Hjorth, C. N., Svendsen, E. N., Vang, J., Strandgaard, J., Kruse, S., Würtz, S., Bek, K. & Søndergaard, H., aug. 2010, Entertainment Copenhagen. 38 s.

The Role of the State in Creating Competitiveness in Danish Film Industry

Bidragets oversatte titel: The Role of the State in Creating Competitiveness in Danish Film IndustryVang, J., jan. 2010, I: Creative Industries Journal. 1, s. 45-47

Training Engineering Students for Intrapreneurship: Challenges and Dilemmas for Project Supervisors of Modern Engineers

Nielsen, A. P. & Vang, J., 6. apr. 2010, 2010 IEEE Transforming Engineering Education: Creating Interdisciplinary Skills for Complex Global Environments. Menon, J. & Winston, A. (red.). IEEE, 8 s.


Bridging Innovation System Research and Development Studies: Challenges and Research Opportunities

Lundvall, B-Å., Vang, J., Joseph, K. J. & Chaminade, C., 2009. 39 s.

Designing innovation policies for development: towards a systemic experimentation-based approach

Chaminade, C., Vang, J., Lundvall, B-Å. & Joseph, J. K., 2009, Handbook of innovation systems and developing countries. Lundvall, B-Å., Chaminade, C., Joseph, J. K. & Vang, J. (red.). Edward Elgar Publishing, s. 360-379

Epilogue: Which Way Now?

Lundvall, B-Å., Joseph, K. J., Chaminade, C. & Vang, J., 2009, Handbook of Innovation Systems and Developing Countries. Lundvall, B-Å., Joseph, K. J., Chaminade, C. & Vang, J. (red.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, s. 380-386

Handbook of Innovation Systems in Developing Countries

Lundvall, B-Å. (red.), Joseph, K. J. (red.), Chaminade, C. (red.) & Vang, J. (red.), 2009, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Innovation Policies for Development: Towards a Systemic Experimentation-based Approach

Chaminade, C., Lundvall, B-Å., Vang, J. & Joseph, K. J., 2009.

Intrapreneurskab og akademiske dyder i projektarbejde: Vejledningsmæssige dilemmaer

Nielsen, A. P. & Vang, J., 2009, Praksiselementer i iværksætteri- og innovationsundervisningen. Stolt, J. & Vintergaard, C. (red.). Holbæk: Øresund Entrepreneurship Academy, s. 58-69

Learning from the Bangalore Experience: The Role of Universities in an Emerging Regional Innovation System

Vang, J., Chaminade, C. & Coenen, L., 2009, New Asian Dynamics of Science, Technology and Innovation. D'Costa, A. & Parayil, G. (red.). Palgrave Macmillan, s. 193-

Regional Innovation Systems in Developing Countries: Integrating Micro and Meso-level Capabilities

Padilla-Pérez, R., Vang, J. & Chaminade, C., 2009, Handbook of Innovation Systems and Developing Countries. Lundvall, B-Å., Joseph, K. J., Chaminade, C. & Vang, J. (red.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, s. 140-182

Universities, Commercialization and Regional Development: Theoretical and Empirical Insights from a Quantitative Study of Biomedicine cluster in Gothenburg

Vang, J., Laage-Hellman, J. & Rickne, A., 2009


Asia Portal - NIAS LINC

Vang, J. & Chaminade, C., 2008

Economic Geography - A Contemporary Introduction

Vang, J. & Charminade, C., 2008, I: European Planning Studies. 16, 4, s. 609-611

Explaining the Spatial Organization of Creative Industries: The Case of the U.S. Videogames Industry

Tschang, F. T. & Vang, J., 2008. 38 s.

Freelancere og de kreative brancher: indsigter fra den danske avisbranche

Vang, J., 2008, Når oplevelser møder økonomi: kreative virksomheder, brancher og steder. Lorenzen, M., Kristensen, T., Skov, L. & Pedersen, J. S. (red.). Århus: Klim, s. 133-149

Geography and the Cultural Economy

Lorenzen, M., Scott, A. J. & Vang, J., 2008, I: Journal of Economic Geography. 8, 6, s. 589-592

Globalisation of Knowledge Production and Regional Innovation Policy: Supporting Specialized Hubs in the Bangalore Software Industry

Chaminade, C. & Vang, J., 2008, I: Research Policy. 37, 10, s. 1684-1696

Guldkorn men også gammeldags: boganmeldelse

Vang, J., 3. dec. 2008, I: Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten.

Knowledge Dynamics out of Balance: Knowledge Biased, Skewed and Unmatched

Dolfsma, W., Chaminade, C. & Vang, J., 2008, I: Research Policy. 37, 10, s. 1657-1658

Krisen kræver nytænkning for at overleve

Vang, J. & Nielsen, A. P., 27. okt. 2008, I: Børsen.

MNCs, Global Innovation Networks and Developing Countries: Insights from Motorola in China

Chen, Y. C. & Vang, J., 2008, I: International Journal of Business and Management Science. 1, 1, s. 11-30

Special issue of Journal of Economic Geography on cultural industries

Vang, J. (red.), Lorenzen, M. (red.) & Scoot, A. (red.), 2008, Oxford University Press. (Journal of Economic Geography; Nr. 6, Bind Vol. 8).

Special issue of the journal Research Policy on Knowledge Imbalances

Vang, J. (red.), Dorsma, W. (red.) & Chaminade, C. (red.), 2008, Elsevier. (Research Policy; Nr. 37).

Strategic change in mature sectors: when and how is Intellectual Capital relevant?

Vang, J. & Chaminade, C., 2008, Intellectual Capital Revisited: Paradoxes in the Knowledge Intensive Organization. Chaminade, C. & Catasus, B. (red.). Edward Elgar Publishing

Upgrading in Asian Clusters: Rethinking the Importance of Interactive-learning

Chaminade, C. & Vang, J., 2008, I: Science, Technology and Society. 13, 1, s. 61-94


Asia's innovation systems in transition: an introduction

Vang, J., Lundvall, B-Å. & Intarakumnerd, P., 2006, Asia's Innovation Systems in Transition. Lundvall, B-A., Intarakumnerd, P. & Vang, J. (red.). Edward Elgar Publishing

Building RIS in Developing Countries: Policy Lessons from Bangalore, India

Vang, J. & Chaminade, C., 2006, Lund: Circle, Lund University.

Clusters and Innovation Systems in Asia

Intarakumnerd, P. & Vang, J., 2006, I: Science, Technology and Society. 11, 1, s. 1 - 7

Constructing knowledge-based regional advantage: Implications for regional innovation policy

Vang, J., Asheim, B., Coenen, L. & Moodysson, J., 2006, I: International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management. 7, 2-3, s. 140-155 16 s.

Cultural industries and the production of culture

Vang, J. & Lucas, M., 2006, I: European Planning Studies. 14, 2, s. 285-287 3 s.

Globalisation of Knowledge Production and Regional Innovation Policy: Supporting Specialized Hubs in Developing Countries

Vang, J. & Chaminade, C., 2006, Lund: Lund University, Sweden.

Industrial Dynamics and the Spatial Organization of Industries

Vang, J., 2006, Sweden: Lund's Universitet.

On Hollywood-The Place, The Industry by A.J Scott, Book review

Vang, J. & Lucas, M., 2006, I: European Planning Studies. 14, 3, s. 409-411

Policy for Asian SMEs: an innovation systems perspective

Vang, J., 2006, Handbook of Research on Asian Business. Yeung, H. (red.). Edward Elgar Publishing

Regional Systems of Innovation in Asian Countries: A New Way of Exploiting the Benefits of Transnational Corporations

Vang, J. & Asheim, B., 2006, I: Innovation : Management, Policy & Practice.

Regions, Absorptive Capacity and Strategic Coupling with High-Tech TNC's: Lessons from India and China

Vang, J. & Asheim, B., 2006, I: Science, Technology and Society. 11, 1, s. 39-66 27 s.

Strategy, Innovation and Revitalizing Declining Newspaper Industries: exploring the importance of creative destruction in Denmark

Vang, J.&Nielsen, A. P.,2006,I:International Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship.2,s. 87-10317 s.

Transnational Communities, Offshore Outsourcing and Offshore Subsidiaries: The Case of the Indian IT-Service Industry

Vang, J. & Overby, M., 2006, Asia's Innovation Systems In Transition. Lundvall, B-Å., Intarakumnerd P, P. & Vang, J. (red.). Edward Elgar Publishing, (New horizons in the economics of innovation).

Upgrading in Asian clusters. rethinking the importance of interactive learning

Vang, J. & Chaminade, C., 2006, Lund's Universitet.

Upgrading in Asian clusters. rethinking the importance of interactive learning

Vang, J. & Chaminade, C., 2006, Lund's Universitet.